In late June, Panos (Dr Panagiotis Papanastasiou) presented his work to the latest meeting in the Northern Quantum series, hosted at Newcastle University. The meeting, attended by quantum physics researchers across the North of England, received Panos’ presentation on Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution (CV-QKD), which is applied in the context of an indoor wireless communications setting.
About the presentation
We investigate the performance of Indoors CV-QKD with trusted preparation noise in a finite-size regime. We assume that the Alice is inside a 3m-height room while Bob’s receiver is found on the room’s ceiling. Eve can then be traced by the arriving light on the receiver (ambient light, lamp sources) except of the transmitter’s signal which is described by a focused beam with a given Lambertian mode number.
In particular, we assume that Alice sends only a finite number of signals to create a shared secret key with Bob while she uses a low-cost calibrated laser that adds trusted noise to the signal before its transmission through the untrusted channel.